All About Dofollow and Nofollow Blog
In a blog, of course we have a link that leads to a particular link, both of which lead to your own blog or other people's blogs. Tags dofollow and nofollow backlinks are closely related to, if we use does not mean we give dofollow backlinks to the link that we are headed, while the opposite of nofollow us prevent search engine robots to crawl menf and provide a backlink to the link that we are headed. example
<a href="" rel="dofollow">Joost de Valk</a>
<a href="" rel="nofollow">Joost de Valk</a>
The purpose of Dofollow and Nofollow
The concept was introduced by the head tag webspam google is Matt Cutt and Jason Shellen in 2005. In a simple sense nofollow is explaining that search engine crawlers do not follow the given links nofollow attribute. Normally this tag is used to prevent spam comments indexed by the search engine so that it will degrade the quality of the web page or blog, because the links are out of the web page will not be accessed by search engine crawlers nofollow attribute if it finds on the web page. This does not mean the use of nofollow will prevent or block content pages indexed by search engine crawlers.
As for the term DoFollow is the opposite of that which the links are nofollow using dofollow attribute will allow google (or all search engines ed) to follow the link. So that will give you a backlink from the website or blog using dofollow attribute. If you are a webmaster or a DoFollow blog admin to apply it is a form of appreciation to the visitors to get a backlink from the web so it is known as the "link love" or give one's love in the form of links. Usually use the DoFollow tag on the website will be vulnerable to spam comments. Dofollow is allowing keywords in the anchor text indexed in search results on search engines. This means that when you connect to any web site or page, use targeted keywords as anchor text
How to Search Engine Other
Yahoo: Keep following the links and mengidex the page but does not use it as an assessment of the ranking
Bing: there is no official statement from the Bing apaka they remain megnikuti tersbut link or not, but that certainly does not provide an assessment of their ranking in the search engines
Ask: Do not follow the links and not to index but no official statement about the effect of rankings.
How To Find A Blog DoFollow or NoFollow
It is common knowledge that the bloggers and $ search on the internet hunt DoFollow blogs to their blog ranking menignnkatkan. Therefore we need to know how to determine a blog dofollow or nofollow
If using Mozilla, dilahkan downloaded the add ons with NoDoFollow name or just click this link. Very easy to use, our Simply right click the blog page and click NoDoffolow. Links that are nofollow will berwarnah red, while the blue DoFollow.
If you use Google Chrome, just use all-in-one tool, especially for SEO is SEO Quake. That are nofollow links will automatically crossed.
How to Find Dofollow Blogs
One of my flagship site is, we simply typing the blog theme that we want, eg "SEO", it will be on show blogs that discuss about SEO, and of course dofollow. We can buy the kind of services jgua comments on DoFollow blogs there
Using Instant Blog DoFollow Finder software can be downloaded here
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